Datenschutz / Impressum

SOS-ReDeCoThis is our information platform for our hospital and orphanage relief organisation in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. We’d be pleased to give you more details on our organisation and thank you for your interest.
We are looking for people who are prepared to give us their active and meaningful support.
Even the smallest help is better than the biggest compassion.

SOS – Re.De.Co. e.V. is a member of the Forum Eine Welt – Viersener Gruppen whose projects are supported by the Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of the Federal State of North-Rhine Westphalia and the Council of the Town of Viersen.

We appeal to you to help us set up an efficient relief organisation. The poorest of the poor need your ideas, your skills, your influence and your commitment. We are looking for people who are prepared to give us their active and meaningful support.

Please contact us for free information, for instance on our current project "Out-patient clinic in Kinshasa".

SOS-ReDeCoSOS – Re.De.Co. e.V.
c/o Dr. Charles K. Ntuité
PO. Box 101065
D-41710 Viersen
Tel.: +49 2162 9192510
Fax.: +49 3212-1451102

Donation account
SOS – Re.De.Co.e.V.
Dresdner Bank Viersen
BLZ (bank sort code): 31080015
Account number: 0935021400

Next to hunger – the main cause of death in the Democratic Republic of Congo – it is mainly the lack of medical care. People die from what is known as banal diseases. Epidemics and outbreaks such as typhoid, cholera, diarrhoea, worms, malaria, HIV and other tropical diseases are rampant.

The prime cause of these diseases is poverty. Diseases, in turn, intensify poverty because they prevent people from work. This is a vicious circle which usually results in death.

Innumerable people must die before they have lived. Over 95 percent of the population is in need of help. The distances to the hospitals are too long.

There is also a lack of medical appliances, drugs and specialist nursing personnel. Medical help also means helping people to help themselves. Only healthy people have the productive power which this country and its immeasurable problems needs.

It is the aftermath of the country’s history which is the cause of the suffering. Hundreds of years of ravages, beginning from the times of the European slave hunters and exploitations which eventually lead to a genocide virtually unparalleled in human history.

„Most tragic of all was the plight of the inhabitants of the African continent, divided against one another by artificial boundaries created through cynical bargains among European powers." It has been estimated that during the first decade of the twentieth century over ten million people in the Congo perished "-- starved, beaten, worked literally to death for the profit of their distant masters, a preview of the fate that was to engulf well over one hundred million of their fellow human beings across Europe and Asia before the century reached its end.“ „Leopold II, King of the Belgians, operated the colony as a private preserve for some three decades (1877-1908). The atrocities carried out under his misrule aroused international protest, and in 1908 he was compelled to surrender the territory to the administration of the Belgian government.“ (Universal House of Justice, 2001)

Worldwide independence movements and unrest compelled the Belgian state to withdraw from the Congo in 1959. 18 months later, the Democratic Republic of Congo was overthrown by the dictator Joseph Mobutu who held the country under his iron-fisted rule until 1996. The country’s national military expenditure between 1992 and 2002 was 18 percent, and zero percent for pubic health and education. The lack of qualified doctors is dramatic; there is currently one doctor for 100,000 inhabitants.

According to a report by “Médecins sans frontières”, infant mortality in 2007 averaged 20 percent, with 197 children out of every thousand never reaching their 5th birthday.

Average life expectancy is 44 years. With approx. 1,300 calories per person and day, the average food intake of the population is one but last in the international comparison.

When he travelled to the Democratic Republic of Congo, his homeland, the Viersen physician Dr. med. Charles Ntuité, founder and initiator of SOS-Re.De.Co.e.V., was confronted with the dire need of the population in every walk of life. This prompted him to initiate the organisation SOS – Re.De.Co.e.V. thirteen years ago, an organisation which has set out to help many more people in need.

We are Africans and Germans who have joined forces to help their target groups with hands-on help and little bureaucracy. Our aim is to give hope, to alleviate poverty and to promote understanding between people of different cultures. To do so, we plan and realise our projects directly on site, ensuring with our physical presence that our work is not torpedoed by corruption. We make sure that your donations go where they are needed: directly to the needy.

SOS-ReDeCoThe out-patient clinic   

SOS-ReDeCoThe orphanage

SOS - REDECOProjects for women

Our first target group are the sick and the suffering children who are left on their own devices. SOS – Re.De.Co. e.V. has developed a concept for medical care and different projects for women and children.

Current projects

Support and maintenance of the out-patient clinic in Kinshasa






The orphanage




Projects for women